Packages & Prices

Choose What Works For YOU


If you are unsure which consultation type to book or have questions relating to any of the offerings below, feel free to reach out prior to booking so we can discuss your individual needs.

  • 60 min - 1 consultation - $150

    Initial consultation dives deep into your medical history, health goals, current symptoms, family history, energy levels, sleep patterns, diet and lifestyle etc. This session is aimed at gaining a broad holistic overview of not just your existing complaint but you as a whole.

    *Remedies are not included in consultation price and will be invoiced ($20 each) and posted after the session along with your treatment plan.

  • 30 minutes - $80

    Your first follow up will generally be 4-6 weeks after starting a remedy and in that session we will review how your symptoms have changed to assess how the remedy has acted. We may change the remedy, the dosage, or the potency to continue nudging your body along in healing. It is my goal to find a remedy that best supports your whole self and to teach you how to use it according to your symptoms.

    After the first follow up, we will connect every 4-8 weeks to check in as per your needs. More complex cases may need more frequent support in the first few months as we fine-tune your remedy. As healing progresses and know how to support yourself with your remedy, follow ups becomes less frequent.

    How long we work together really depends on the complexity of your case and how long you've had the symptoms you are looking to heal.

    *Remedies are not included in consultation price and will be invoiced and posted after the session along with your treatment plan.

  • The 8 week transformation package is a blend of Homeopathic consultations and Kinesiology consultations as well as a remedy protocol.

    We meet for an initial consultation and again in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8.

    The breakdown includes 2 Homeopathic consultations; 1 Initial and 2 follow ups and 2 Kinesiology sessions to deepen the healing, check in on and balance any nutritional excesses or depletions and address any emotional blockages, environmental stressors etc.

    All remedies, postage, treatment plans are included in the package price. - $555 (introductory rate)

  • Homeopathic detox therapy protocol is a gentle yet effective method of detoxing and supporting your body to release, recalibrate and heal.

    In some instances, nutritional suggestions and supplementary products may be recommended along with homeopathic remedies.

    The protocol includes your initial consultation, your follow up consultation, remedies and postage as well as email support.

    Homeopathic detox therapy is useful for people who have never been well since certain medications such as steroids, antibiotics, vaccinations, contraceptive pill etc.

    Protocol price: $395

  • 15ml Liquid Single Remedy - $15

    15ml Combination Remedy - $25

    25ml Liquid Single Remedy - $20

    25ml Combination Remedy - $30


Homeopathy was discovered in the late 1700’s by Dr Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann made connection between a natural plant medicine and the symptoms it produced.  He realised if healthy individuals took a specific plant medicine it produced symptoms and that if an individual who was sick with those exact same symptoms took the medicine, it cured them. Homeopathy is founded on the principle of ‘like cures like’.​

Homeopathy supports and stimulates the natural process of healing, acts on the core energetic level to uproot imbalances and free you of your symptoms and it is safe for all walks of life.

This unique system is focused on individualisation. Each individual symptom a person is experiencing is thoroughly analysed and repertorised to carefully select the simillimum remedy match for the individual as a whole.

The process of taking Homeopathic remedies is energetic, so when the right remedy is selected and taken, energy can shift and healing can begin take place.


Developed in the early sixties by an American chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart, Kinesiology is a system of natural health care that combines muscle testing and monitoring, together with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to assess energy and body function, applying a range of healing techniques to improve health, general wellbeing and increase vitality.

Kinesiology recognises there are energy flows within the body that relate to every organ and tissue that go to make the body a living, feeling being. These energy flows can be evaluated through muscle testing, which in turn reflect the body’s overall energetic state of structural, biochemical or emotional balance.

Kinesiology is concerned with energetic imbalances in the body’s overall energy.


Your body holds deep wisdom.

Trust in it, Learn from it., Nourish it,

and Watch your life transform.

Remedy Alchemy